How to pick a auto collision repair shop

How to Pick an Auto Collision Repair Shop

First, find out which auto collision repair shop your insurance company, friends, or family recommends.    When you take your vehicle to Gerber Collision & Glass there’s less work for you! Gerber Collision & Glass will work with your insurance company on your behalf, managing the claim and direct-billing at the end.

Second, a good car collision body repair shop will keep you informed, answer any questions related to your vehicle, provide you with a quote and make sure that the work on your car or truck is done correctly until your satisfaction.  Gerber Collision & Glass has been in the auto body repair business for over 70 years, and our specialists only use the highest quality parts and materials to restore your car. Best of all, our parts and workmanship are each guaranteed. You’ll always get quality repairs that will ensure the safety of your family.

Choosing a quality body shop isn’t an easy task, so avoid the stress and the disruption. With Gerber Collision & Glass you’ll enjoy an easy, hassle-free collision repair that gets you back on the road in no time.

Driving in windy weather

Driving in windy weather

Every driver should know tips on how to drive in windy weather.  Drivers may encounter high gusts of winds while they are driving.  .

Start off by dropping your speed. Be careful of any branches or trees that may fall onto the road. Driving slowly can reduce impact when running into any unpredicted debris.

Trucks, buses or vehicles towing trailers are the most prone to being blown off the course by the wind.  Pay attention to those vehicles.   Always keep both hands on the wheel to make sure you have control of your vehicle.

Seek shelter if the high winds turn into a tornado.  Don’t ever try and drive faster than the tornado in your car.   If there is no shelter close, exit your vehicle and find a ditch to stay in until it is safe.

If you are home don’t get in your car if you know there is a tornado in your area.  Wait until the bad conditions subside.

Gerber Collision and Glass advise you to always proceed with caution when you are driving in windy weather.

Driving in the summer rain

Driving in the summer rain

Gerber Collision and Glass would like to suggest some safety tips for driving in wet weather.  It is imperative that you can see and be seen.  It is more difficult to see other cars and the road.  Please slow down because it takes more time to stop in rainy weather. 

Before you go, make sure you wipe off the bottom of your shoes.  Your shoes will be wet and could slip off the pedals.  Check all of your lights and turn signals to make sure they are working properly. 

Check your tires often.  Bald tires will reduce your traction on the wet roads.  You could end up riding on a layer of water. 

Make sure you replace your wipers once a year.  Bad wipers will distort your view in rainy weather.   Turn on your wipers during bad weather.  Wipers will clear the rain from the windshield with every sweep. 

Make sure you turn on your headlights.  It helps all the other cars see you on the road.  This will keep you safe during rainy weather.  Rain can cause windows to mist up inside the car.  Turn the defroster on and make sure it is on heat.   Drivers should clean their windshield and windows often to help them see well.

If the rain is so heavy that you have no visibility, then it is time to pull over.   Stop at a protected area like a rest area.  If your only option is the roadside, then pull off as far as possible.  Alert other drivers by turning on your emergency flashers. 

Summer is here and so are the rains.  Always use common sense when driving in the rain.  Every driver can make a difference in the rain!

Rainy Summer Days

Rainy Summer Days

The rainy summer days are ahead of us.  We need to drive smart in stormy conditions.  It ismore difficult to see other cars and the road.  Practicing extra safety precautions during a rainy road trip will keep you and others safe. 

Keep the proper distance from the car ahead of you.  It takes longer to stop in wet weather.  The 3 second rule or longer should be followed.  Slow down your driving speed.  Accidents happen more in wet weather.

Turn your headlights on even in a light rain.  They will help other drivers see you.  If your vehicle has daytime running lights you still should put them on, so vehicles behind you can see you better. 

Replace windshield wipers at the beginning of the season to prepare for the weather.  Bad wipers can distort your view in rainy weather. 

Check your tires frequently. Bald tires significantly decrease your traction on wet roadways.  If your tires are bald, the water has no place to go and you end up driving on water, and have a chance of hydroplaning.

Gerber Collision and Glass would like you to enjoy your summer with your family and friends and keep safe on the roadways.



Proper Tire Maintenance

Proper Tire Maintenance

Tires are the only connection between your car and the road.  Taking good care of them is such an important obligation by any car owner.  Do not let your tires get neglected. 

Under inflation is the leading cause of tire failure.  Not only are under inflated tires more susceptible to destruction and failure, they can lead to greater fuel costs.  Balanced tires are vital for a smooth ride and long tire wear. Tires are out of balance when one section is heavier than the others.  Balancing tires is done by positioning weights on the wheel to counterbalance heavy spots on the wheel-and-tire assembly.

Good wheel alignment is critical for getting the most tread wear and life from your tires. Wheel alignments adjust a vehicle’s suspension so the wheels are positioned correctly relative to the vehicle’s frame. This modification maximizes the life of your tires and prevents your car from veering left or right when traveling on a straight level road.  If your car pulls or goes sideways from a straight line then you might need an alignment.

Tire rotation is crucial for improving a tire’s lifespan. Rotating tires on a consistent basis improves wear across the complete tread pattern.  Rotate your tires at least every 6,000 miles, or earlier, depending on tire wear.

Tire maintenance is really imperative for ensuring your safety while you drive. Your tires are what let you move.  However, a tire failure will forbid this, and it will likely happen while you are driving.  Gerber Collision and Glass urge you to take care of your tires.

How road rage can affect car insurance rates

How road rage can affect car insurance rates

Road rage is regrettable, you know that. What you might not know is that both succumbing to and avoiding road rage can impact what you pay for car insurance. We’re here to explain — and even give a few tips on finding your inner Zen the next time someone cuts you off.

A rapid road-rage review

For that first driver in existence, nothing was more relaxing than a drive through the countryside. But along with the inevitable second driver came traffic, accidents, stress — and road rage. Though this phenomenon probably isn’t new to you, it helps to review.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, road rage is subtly different from aggressive driving. Aggressive driving violates traffic laws, whereas road rage involves more serious criminal actions that knowingly endanger other drivers and passengers. Running a red light to make a date is aggressive driving — running that light to tailgate a car you think cut you off is road rage.

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety places aggressive tailgating, headlight flashing, and deliberately blocking other cars among the most frequent expressions of road rage.

How road rage can impact your premium

The primary reasons to avoid road rage are safety and general decency. A little further down the list is controlling what you pay for car insurance.

Because your car insurance rate is partly determined by your driving history, a road-rage incident, when it shows up on your record as a criminal offense, is a serious red flag. Insurers may charge more for the policy to cover the added risk posed by a driver with any kind of criminal driving history.

Road ragers may also have difficulty getting full payouts for their car’s damages. Most insurers restrict coverage for deliberate or reckless actslike road rage.

On the flip side, drivers who abstain from road rage will probably have a better shot at avoiding needless accidents.

How to avoid road rage (with advice that’s sage)

There’s a lot of well-worn guidance on road rage: don’t retaliate, don’t take it personally, get plenty of sleep, etc. While valid, you’ve probably heard it all before.

So here are a few pointers you may not have considered to help keep aggressive drivers at bay and stop you from becoming one yourself.

  1. Leave space to pull around the car in front of you. Seems simple, but in heavy traffic, people tend to drive bumper-to-bumper. Leaving some wiggle room can reduce vulnerability if the driver in front of you gets aggressive.
  2. Ease your grip on the wheel. All that churning of the steering wheel, according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, can cause headaches, making a bad situation worse.
  3. Crank some tunes, not the engine. Instead of listening to your own muttering, try listening to music as it can help keep you calm.



Seatbelt safety during pregnancy

Seatbelt safety during pregnancy

 Surprisingly, many pregnant women don’t wear their seatbelts.  They think it will put too much pressure on their abdomen if they get into a car accident.  Others find it too uncomfortable with their bellies.  A recent study shows that 12% of pregnant woman are not buckling up.

It is very important for pregnant women to wear their belts.  It is a dangerous decision not to.   Unbelted women are nearly three times more likely to lose their baby in a motor-vehicle collision than those who were wearing a seat belt.  Car accidents are the leading cause of fetal death.  Women who are in a car accident and didn’t wear their seatbelt are more likely to have excessive bleeding during labor.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that seat belts be worn during pregnancy, with lap belts placed under the abdomen and shoulder belts strapped diagonally across the chest.  They make maternity seatbelts for women who think it too uncomfortable to wear them.  Gerber Collision and Glass give thumbs up to pregnant women who are buckled up.

Secure your vehicles load

Secure your vehicles load

So you are driving down the road, minding your own business. Then suddenly the truck ahead of you loses its entire load right in front of you.  You have to swerve to avoid a collision.  We have seen this time and time again.  Not securing your load can be very dangerous for you and other drivers.  The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reports that 25,000 accidents each year are caused by unsecured loads.  They also report that approximately 80-90 fatalities occur due to this negligence.

                Be smart when loading a vehicle.  Know the weight limit of your vehicle.  Make sure all items are tied down with heavy rope, bungee or tie down straps.  Always put lighter objects on the bottom.  If you are hauling items that are easily blown around, cover them with a tarp.  Many landfills require lawn debris to be covered.  Gerber Collision and Glass recommend that you double check your load before getting on the road.  Ask yourself if you would feel safe riding behind your vehicle.

Be prepared in the event that you are involved in an auto collision accident

According to the National Safety Council, one in every eleven drivers will be involved in an auto collision this year. Gerber Collision wants to make sure you are prepared in the event that you are involved in an auto collision with the following 11 recommendations from the NSC.

1. Stop your vehicle if it is clear, safe and legal.

2. Move the vehicle out of the traveled roadway, if it is clear, safe and legal. (In some states it is against the law to move the vehicle from the place where the crash occurred. Know the ordinance in your area.)

3. Turn off the ignitions of the cars involved.

4. Make a first aid check of all persons involved in the crash.

5. Call the police and, if necessary, emergency medical services.

6. Mark the scene of the crash with retroreflective triangles.

7. Gather the names of all persons in the motor vehicles and people who witnessed the crash.

8. Make a quick diagram of where the vehicle occupants were seated and indicate the vehicles’ direction of travel and lane. Also note the date, time and weather conditions.

9. Ask to see the other driver’s license and write down the number.

10. Exchange insurance company information. Do not discuss “fault” or make statements about the crash to anyone but the police.

11. Get a copy of the police report of the crash from the local precinct.

The National Safety Council 2009.

Car Safety Tips to prevent accidents – how to

We all do it… we go through a drive thru, and pick up something to eat, right…??  But, is eating in the car really a safe thing to do???  How many accidents are caused each year from eating in the car??  Well, nearly 80 percent of accidents are caused by distractions due to eating in the car!  Yes, that is a huge percentage folks!  There are several resources that confirmed this number including, article, and an Accidents Direct article.  The most common culprit was coffee and hamburgers.  Please take this very serious gang; we want to make sure that drivers are safe behind the wheel.  We don’t want that ketchup to slip out of your burger, or the coffee to spill, or any other distraction to happen that might take your focus off of driving.  Take those burgers home and eat them there! Gerber Collision and Glass is always right here for any and all of your automobile needs!