How to check for an auto recall

Just this week in the new, Honda is recalling 600,000 Accord midsize cars in the U.S. and Canada to fix a faulty power steering hose that can leak fluid and cause a fire .  Because of this, the auto collision department at Gerber Collision and Glass thought it would be a great time to remind folks about the auto recalls.

The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards set minimum performance requirements for vehicle parts such as brakes, tires, lighting, air bags, safety belts, child restraints, energy absorbing steering columns, and motorcycle helmets.   These Standards are applicable to all vehicles a in the United States.  When a motor vehicle or item of motor vehicle equipment does not comply with a Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard, the vehicle is recalled.

When the manufacturer or the government concedes that there is a defect an Official Safety Recall Notice, which provides details about the problem as well as instructions on the best way to handle it, is sent to owners who are at risk. In most cases, drivers are advised to bring the car to their dealer as soon as possible.  The auto collision repair department at Gerber encourages you to call your local dealership – Even if you didn’t buy the car there, the maker of your car covers these recalls.

If you would like to check on recalls for your car, you can check the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s website here.

How to prevent or discourage aggressive driving

To reduce auto collisions resulting from aggressive driving, Gerber Collision and Glass wants to help raise awareness.  There are a number of different ways that you can prevent or discourage aggressive driving.

To avoid being an aggressive driver always allow yourself extra time to arrive at your destination.  If you are in a hurry you’ll often find yourself running stop signs and red lights, weaving in and out of traffic, or making careless turns.  If you know you’re running late, relax – turn on the music to help calm your nerves and forget about the clock.  Fewer auto collisions occur when you are traveling the same speed limit as other motorists on the road – just be late.  You’re appointment will understand and be thankful that you made it safely.

If you are confronted with an aggressive drive first make every attempt to get of their way – don’t challenge them by attempting to “hold your lane”.  This gesture can cause more frustration to the aggressive driver.  Put your pride in the back seat and report aggressive drivers to the appropriate authorities, this will not only get you to your destination safely but also keep everyone else on the road safe that day too.

Aggressive driving has become a serious problem on our roadways.  Keeping your cool and adjusting your driving behavior are the best ways to handle aggressive driving.

Back to School Safety

Back to School Safety

Children across the nation are heading back to school and drivers need to take precaution on the road.  Motorists need to be especially careful in school zones. Parents need to review safety rules with their kids about walking or bike riding. 

Children who walk to school need to use the sidewalks.  When there are no sidewalks, they need to walk on the side facing traffic.  Kids should always wear a helmet when riding a bike. 

When a child is taking a bus to school they need to stand away from the curb.  Bus riders should get on and off of the bus when the driver says it’s okay.  Kids need to stay seated until the bus has come to a complete stop. 

Children need to cross the streets using crosswalks.  They need to look both ways to make sure a car is not coming. 

Drivers can also practice safety measures on the road.  Be extra careful before and after school.  Don’t pass a school bus when its lights are flashing.  Always drive the speed limits.  When a driver is leaving their driveway, make sure there are no kids walking by. 

Gerber Collision and Glass would like to have a fun and safe school year for everyone.  Please review back to school safety rules.

Driving in thunderstorms and lightning

Driving in thunderstorms and lightning

 Driving in inclement weather is not fun.  It can become dangerous very quickly.  Heavy winds and sideways rain can move your vehicle all over the road.  Throw in some lightning and you’ve got a mess on your hands.  Gerber Collision and Glass want to go over a few crucial details everyone should know when faced with rough weather behind the wheel.

 – Do not drive unless it is totally necessary.

 – Always allow extra space for breaking.

 – Turn on low beam headlights

–  Pull off on the shoulder and away from any trees or other things that could become flying projectiles

– Stay in your vehicle with your emergency flashers on

– Keep the radio on to a weather channel for updates

– Approach intersections with caution and come to a complete when   approaching traffic lights

– Your best protection against lightning is your vehicle

– Stay away from flooded streets and downed power lines

– Tire pressure and windshield wipers should be checked weekly

Service your transmission

Service your transmission

We all know the drill.  Get your oil changed every three thousand miles.  You here this time and time again to maintain you’re your vehicles engine.  You may be overlooking another maintenance issue that’s just as important.  It is recommended to have your transmission serviced every twenty five thousand miles.  Typical service includes changing the filter and adding new fluid.  It is important to check your vehicles manual for service instructions for your transmission.  All vehicles have different guidelines on what mileage to bring your car in.

It is just as important to keep fresh fluid in your transmission as it is oil in the engine.  Over time, this fluid can turn brown and become less effective.  The more wear and tear on your car, the more your transmission is working overtime.  Gerber Collision and Glass recommend checking your transmission fluid every couple of months.  The fluid should be a reddish color.  If there are any brown spots it could be time for servicing.

Driving in the summer rain

Driving in the summer rain

Gerber Collision and Glass would like to suggest some safety tips for driving in wet weather.  It is imperative that you can see and be seen.  It is more difficult to see other cars and the road.  Please slow down because it takes more time to stop in rainy weather. 

Before you go, make sure you wipe off the bottom of your shoes.  Your shoes will be wet and could slip off the pedals.  Check all of your lights and turn signals to make sure they are working properly. 

Check your tires often.  Bald tires will reduce your traction on the wet roads.  You could end up riding on a layer of water. 

Make sure you replace your wipers once a year.  Bad wipers will distort your view in rainy weather.   Turn on your wipers during bad weather.  Wipers will clear the rain from the windshield with every sweep. 

Make sure you turn on your headlights.  It helps all the other cars see you on the road.  This will keep you safe during rainy weather.  Rain can cause windows to mist up inside the car.  Turn the defroster on and make sure it is on heat.   Drivers should clean their windshield and windows often to help them see well.

If the rain is so heavy that you have no visibility, then it is time to pull over.   Stop at a protected area like a rest area.  If your only option is the roadside, then pull off as far as possible.  Alert other drivers by turning on your emergency flashers. 

Summer is here and so are the rains.  Always use common sense when driving in the rain.  Every driver can make a difference in the rain!

Rainy Summer Days

Rainy Summer Days

The rainy summer days are ahead of us.  We need to drive smart in stormy conditions.  It ismore difficult to see other cars and the road.  Practicing extra safety precautions during a rainy road trip will keep you and others safe. 

Keep the proper distance from the car ahead of you.  It takes longer to stop in wet weather.  The 3 second rule or longer should be followed.  Slow down your driving speed.  Accidents happen more in wet weather.

Turn your headlights on even in a light rain.  They will help other drivers see you.  If your vehicle has daytime running lights you still should put them on, so vehicles behind you can see you better. 

Replace windshield wipers at the beginning of the season to prepare for the weather.  Bad wipers can distort your view in rainy weather. 

Check your tires frequently. Bald tires significantly decrease your traction on wet roadways.  If your tires are bald, the water has no place to go and you end up driving on water, and have a chance of hydroplaning.

Gerber Collision and Glass would like you to enjoy your summer with your family and friends and keep safe on the roadways.



Driving during a Tropical Storm

Driving during a Tropical Storm

Well it’s that time of year again.  It is time to go to the hardware store and get supplies like batteries, flashlights, and wood to board the windows.  If you live in the South or by the Coast you know exactly what we’re talking about.  You guessed it, hurricane season is upon us.  Florida just got pounded with heavy rains and winds for about five days from Tropical Storm Debby.  The accidents in the Orlando area were beyond belief.  A major stretch of Interstate 4 had nearly thirty collisions due to the wet conditions on the roads.  Is there anything we can learn from this? How different should we drive in tropical conditions?

                First off, if you have to be on the roads, you must drive slowly.  Speeding is the leading cause of accidents during undesirable conditions.  Vehicles can lose all traction and hydroplane when water is present on the roads.  Flooding can become a major concern, and it can happen quickly.  Roads can become hazardous within minutes of a heavy rainstorm.  You must proceed with caution.  Debris such as tree limbs can make the highway seem like an obstacle course.

  Winds can play tricks with your vehicle and make it unstable.  Gerber Collision and Glass have seen the results tropical weather can put on a vehicle.  Use common sense and always drive as slow as possible.  Check your local weather report before venturing out in these extreme conditions.  The smartest thing to do is stay off the roads if winds are strong enough to affect your driving.  Be smart and stay safe out there during hurricane season.

Teen Car Collisions

Teen Car Collisions

Teenage car accidents are the leading cause of teen deaths. Teenage car collisions are an enormous problem. Understanding the causes of teen car accidents is the first step to help our teenagers.

Most teenage car accidents happen because teen drivers lack experience. They are not prepared for situations such as bad weather conditions, night time driving, and road rage.  If a teenage driver is immature they are more likely to act irresponsibly behind the wheel and cause horrible car crashes.

Almost one third of all fatal teen car crashes involve speeding.  Many teen drivers speed. Some of them are trying to show off to their friends or seek thrill.   Speeding is very dangerous for teens.

Drinking and driving is becoming an increasing problem with teenagers. They lack the experience of how alcohol affects their body.  They get behind the wheel and cause dangerous accidents

Many teenage drivers get very distracted.  They text and drive, talk on the cell phone and change radio stations.  The distraction level goes up when there is passengers in the car.  Their friends can be loud.  They dare them to do risky behavior.  Statistics on teen car accidents have revealed that the number of fatal car crashes among teenage drivers increase with each additional passenger.

Teenage drivers are the least likely to wear a seatbelt.  Approximately two thirds of teenagers who die in fatal car accidents were not wearing a seat beat.

Gerber Collision and Glass hope that parents take action to help prevent teenage car accidents.  Let’s keep our teenagers safe.

Proper Tire Maintenance

Proper Tire Maintenance

Tires are the only connection between your car and the road.  Taking good care of them is such an important obligation by any car owner.  Do not let your tires get neglected. 

Under inflation is the leading cause of tire failure.  Not only are under inflated tires more susceptible to destruction and failure, they can lead to greater fuel costs.  Balanced tires are vital for a smooth ride and long tire wear. Tires are out of balance when one section is heavier than the others.  Balancing tires is done by positioning weights on the wheel to counterbalance heavy spots on the wheel-and-tire assembly.

Good wheel alignment is critical for getting the most tread wear and life from your tires. Wheel alignments adjust a vehicle’s suspension so the wheels are positioned correctly relative to the vehicle’s frame. This modification maximizes the life of your tires and prevents your car from veering left or right when traveling on a straight level road.  If your car pulls or goes sideways from a straight line then you might need an alignment.

Tire rotation is crucial for improving a tire’s lifespan. Rotating tires on a consistent basis improves wear across the complete tread pattern.  Rotate your tires at least every 6,000 miles, or earlier, depending on tire wear.

Tire maintenance is really imperative for ensuring your safety while you drive. Your tires are what let you move.  However, a tire failure will forbid this, and it will likely happen while you are driving.  Gerber Collision and Glass urge you to take care of your tires.

The leading cause of death for children is car accidents: Car Safety Seats

Car Seat Safety

The leading cause of death for children is car accidents.  Sadly enough, we lose 3 to 4 children in car accidents every day.  The best way to keep our kids safe is to properly install a car seat.  There are many avoidable mistakes we make with car seats.

Many people buy the wrong weight and height car seat for their child.  Parents need to make sure they get the correct one, and to buy a new one when their child outgrows it.  The car seat needs to be installed the correct way.  Read your manual and check with a professional to make sure it is in the correct way.  Make sure the harness fits correctly.   It should fit very snugly to your child’s body.

Many parents change their rear facing car seats to forward car seats to soon.  The American Academy of Pediatrics advise parents to keep their toddlers in rear-facing car seats until age 2 or until they exceed the height or weight limit for their car seat, which is typically 20 pounds for an infant seat, and 35 to 40 pounds for a convertible seat.

Children are supposed to be in their car seats when they go on an airplane.  The American Academy of Pediatrics, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the National Transportation Safety Board all recommend that children ride in car seats on airplanes.

Make sure you use the car seat every time. 60% of crashes involving children happen within 10 minutes of home.  More than three-quarters of them happen when the speed limit is 45 mph or less, and almost all of them happen when the driver is familiar with the route.

On behalf of Gerber Collision and Glass, please adhere to all car seat safety rules.  We love our kids and want to keep them safe and sound.

How road rage can affect car insurance rates

How road rage can affect car insurance rates

Road rage is regrettable, you know that. What you might not know is that both succumbing to and avoiding road rage can impact what you pay for car insurance. We’re here to explain — and even give a few tips on finding your inner Zen the next time someone cuts you off.

A rapid road-rage review

For that first driver in existence, nothing was more relaxing than a drive through the countryside. But along with the inevitable second driver came traffic, accidents, stress — and road rage. Though this phenomenon probably isn’t new to you, it helps to review.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, road rage is subtly different from aggressive driving. Aggressive driving violates traffic laws, whereas road rage involves more serious criminal actions that knowingly endanger other drivers and passengers. Running a red light to make a date is aggressive driving — running that light to tailgate a car you think cut you off is road rage.

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety places aggressive tailgating, headlight flashing, and deliberately blocking other cars among the most frequent expressions of road rage.

How road rage can impact your premium

The primary reasons to avoid road rage are safety and general decency. A little further down the list is controlling what you pay for car insurance.

Because your car insurance rate is partly determined by your driving history, a road-rage incident, when it shows up on your record as a criminal offense, is a serious red flag. Insurers may charge more for the policy to cover the added risk posed by a driver with any kind of criminal driving history.

Road ragers may also have difficulty getting full payouts for their car’s damages. Most insurers restrict coverage for deliberate or reckless actslike road rage.

On the flip side, drivers who abstain from road rage will probably have a better shot at avoiding needless accidents.

How to avoid road rage (with advice that’s sage)

There’s a lot of well-worn guidance on road rage: don’t retaliate, don’t take it personally, get plenty of sleep, etc. While valid, you’ve probably heard it all before.

So here are a few pointers you may not have considered to help keep aggressive drivers at bay and stop you from becoming one yourself.

  1. Leave space to pull around the car in front of you. Seems simple, but in heavy traffic, people tend to drive bumper-to-bumper. Leaving some wiggle room can reduce vulnerability if the driver in front of you gets aggressive.
  2. Ease your grip on the wheel. All that churning of the steering wheel, according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, can cause headaches, making a bad situation worse.
  3. Crank some tunes, not the engine. Instead of listening to your own muttering, try listening to music as it can help keep you calm.



Driving with your hazards on

Driving with your hazards on

Do you ever notice people driving around with their hazards on?  It may be raining or snowing, but are we supposed to use our hazards when driving in inclement weather? In most states it is illegal to drive with these lights on.  They are only to be used when your vehicle is stationary along the side of the road.  Gerber Collision and Glass urge drivers to check with your states’ law on this situation.  The law varies from state to state on this issue, but for the most part, driving with the hazards on is illegal. 

Hazard lights disable the turn signal lights, making driving in bad weather even more dangerous.  They also make it harder to tell if the motorist ahead is tapping on the break.  They may also make you think a vehicle is pulled off to the side of the road, when in actuality they are right in front of you.  It is advised to pull into a gas station, or off the road a safe distance, if the weather is too extreme to drive in.

Check your lights

Check your lights

Before venturing out these hot summer nights, make sure all your vehicle’s lights are working properly.  You should test out your lights every week.  Make sure all the blinkers are coming on.  The hazards should blink properly as well.  Test the headlights and the brights.  If they are dim, you may need to replace a bulb.  If any lights are out, check that the fuse is not blown.  Most importantly, the tail lights and brake lights should be illuminating properly.  Failure to have these working can result in a collision that is your fault.  Gerber Collision and Glass want you to stay safe this summer.  A safe vehicle is a properly maintained one.

Gerber Collision and Glass Free Car Rental

Gerber Collision and Glass Free Car Rental

So, your car is in the shop and you don’t have another vehicle to get you around. Looks like you have to check the internet for car rental places. You have to search through vehicles and outrageous prices. Let’s hold on a minute. Did you know that Gerber Collision and Glass have up to five free day’s car rental with many of their body repairs. That’s right, if your vehicle stays with Gerber, they’ll get you a ride.

Gerber Collision and Glass also have some great online coupons that could save you some big bucks. Please visit for their most recent savings. They have been in business for over seventy years, and continue to be the leading repair shop throughout the United States and Canada. You can also reach Gerber at 1-877-7gerber for any questions you might have. So if your vehicle needs work, and you need to get a rental look no further than Gerber Collision and Glass.

Emergency vehicle kit


`Emergency vehicle kit

We may not all be experts, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t have the best tools in case of an emergency with our vehicle. Here are some things you should have in your emergency car kit.

A good vehicle tool kit includes:

    * Jumper cables
    * Screwdrivers—Phillips and flat head
    * Pliers
    * Set of socket wrenches
    * Duct tape
    * Electrical wire tape
    * Electrical wire spray
    * Flashlight with extra batteries
    * Small fire extinguisher


Gerber Collision and Glass recommend every vehicle be equipped with a vehicle tool kit.  Be prepared and avoid being stranded without any means to repair a broken down vehicle.

Get your car in summer shape

Get your car in summer shape

Well, it’s beginning to feel a lot like summer out there. The temperature is starting to rise. The kids are almost out of school. The barbecue grill is getting ready for weekly cookouts. Yes, summer is almost upon us once again. It also means the start of another rainy season. Have you thought about if your vehicle is prepared for the wet conditions? Now is a good time to get that car in summer shape.

Check your tires. Bald tires are very dangerous, especially in rainy conditions. Have your tires balanced and rotated. This will help the car grip the road better. Make sure all your lights are working properly. During summer rainstorms Gerber Collision and Glass advise drivers to use their headlights. Remember, you can barely see the road in most summer storms, headlights are critical in avoiding a collision.

Have your brakes checked. Make sure the pads are not worn. Check your windshield wipers. Chances are, if they haven’t been replaced since last summer your vehicle is due for a new pair. Be smart out there this summer. Driving in heavy rain is dangerous. Keep your speed low and your attention high.

10 things your car would tell you

10 things your car would tell you





1.  Change my engine oil

2.  Change my air filter

3.  Rotate my tires

4.  Change my fuel filter

5.  Replace my belt and hoses

6.  Give me a tune up

7.  Check and clean my plugs

8.  Replace my spark plug wires

9.  Check my PCV valve

10.  Keep me clean and in good condition

Keep your speed down

Keep your speed down

Speeding tickets can be very expensive and give you unwanted points on your license. Drivers need to make the smart decision and obey the speed limit. Law enforcement is looking for speeders and giving them harsh penalties.

Pay attention to the speed limit signs on the side of the road. Check your speedometer to make sure you are not going over the limit. Don’t get distracted by talking on the phone or doing something that takes your focus away from the road.

Gerber Collision and Glass have seen the aftermath of vehicles involved in accidents. More often than not, these vehicles were speeding or hit by someone going over the limit. Be smart out there on the highways. The road is no place to lose your patience.

Recognize how aging affects driving

Recognize how aging affects driving

 As people get older, it is normal for their driving abilities to change.  That doesn’t mean they need to stop driving.  There is no set time when someone should stop driving because everyone ages different. But, we do need to pay attention to certain signals when age is interfering with our driving ability. 

Older adults are more likely to get in an accident than younger adults.  Fatal crashes increase when a driver is 70 years or older.  There are many factors that contribute to this.  An older person starts to lose their hearing, coordination, vision, etc.  They have chronic illnesses that could flare up while driving.  There are certain body pains that could make it difficult to drive.  Arm pains can make it difficult to turn the steering wheel.  Leg pains could make it difficult to move from the gas to the brake.  

Adults over seventy have a weaker attention span.   They also don’t focus as well.  This could result in missing signals, signs, and other cars.  Their reaction time is slower which could result in hitting a stopped car.

Age doesn’t mean you have to stop driving.  It means to be aware of what you can handle.  Perhaps just driving during daylight hours would be safer.  Go for a drive just around your block if that is all you feel safe to do. Talk to your family and loved ones about when you should retire your keys.  Gerber Collision and Glass strive to keep everyone safe on the roadways.